One-stop trade, earn and win crypto on our
decentralized platform based on the MetisDAO ecosystem
NETT continues to grow with DeFi
In Netswap’s ecosystem, NETT operates with every
aspect of Metis. Netswap is building a comprehensive
decentralized trading platform for the future DeFi
ecosystem. Buy NETT, win NETT, and join us!
METIS price$94.58
Max supply10,000,000
Circulating Supply5,250,547
NETT price$1.25
Max supply16,666,667
Circulating Supply8,615,236
Earn your crypto or make your crypto work for you!
Netswap has one-step earn features. This makes it easy
to gain passive income without difficulty.
Join our popular Liquidity pools!
TROLL - Metis
12,828.46% APR
WALLET - Metis
151.29% APR
Metis - TRITON
103.32% APR
97.71% APR
Trading has never been so easy
Safer, Faster, and no registration
Netswap is entrusting billions in funds. Relying on
Layer2 DeFi is no mistake.
Swap Faster
Unlike the long transaction time of Layer1, trading any
tokens only takes a few seconds on Netswap.
Less Gas
Gas fees cost just a few cents, saving you from a few
bucks to a few hundred dollars on your transaction.
Join launchpad
$619,404 Staked NETT
Staking NETT lets you gain wNETT which increases
your buying power! wNETT is the only "ticket" to
join IDO events on our Launchpad V2!